7 Hills Construction Co, 4541 Yates Lane, Cincinnati, OH, 45244-2124, home builders

U.S Building Contractors Ohio Building Contractors Ohio - List of United States General Building Contractors

7 Hills Construction Co

Company Name: 7 Hills Construction Co
Status: Active
State: Ohio
Post: 45244-2124
County: Clermont
City: Cincinnati
Address: 4541 Yates Lane
Phone: (513)528-4775
Fax: (513)528-4775
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Jeff Sheperd
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 152112 Industry group: General Building Contractors, Business category: General Contractors, Single Family Houses, Subcategory: Home builders
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 6,880,000
Overall: 7 Hills Construction Co is a business categorized under general contractors, single family houses, which is part of the larger category general building contractors. 7 Hills Construction Co is located at the address 4541 Yates Lane in Cincinnati, Ohio 45244-2124. The Owner is Jeff Sheperd who can be contacted at (513)528-4775.
  • Home builder
In summary:
  • Great people to work for and excellent company to have your work done by .
  • Quality in a timely manner is of the utmost importance.
  • I hear it is a great place to work.
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Name: D.H.
Message: Great people who really put their heart and soul into their work. I hear it is a great place to work.
Name: J.
Message: Wonderful place to work hard, and be rewarded well. Quality in a timely manner is of the utmost importance. We did the best Crete, a builder or homeowner could ask for because we took pride in our reputation, and craft.. I highly recommend y'all hire for a friendly, and fast company who cares.
Name: T.C.
Message: You know how I know you're gay jeff?.
Name: W.P.
Message: Great people to work for and excellent company to have your work done by.
Name: A.L.
Message: Excellent poured wall construction company.
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